Domestic abuse needs assessment for Safer Northumberland which was used to develop services and direct investment. For a copy of the full report, click here.
Case studies on cutting crime, improving community safetyThese case studies on community safety, crime reduction and support to victims, showcase the work of the voluntary and community sector in the North East. They are part of a CLINKS/VONNE project funded by Northern Rock Foundation that is intended to support the voluntary sector involved in the Criminal Justice System.
Domestic Homicide ReviewEditorial support for Safe Newcastle for their first Domestic Violence Homicide Review.
Sex markets in TeessideStudy into women and men involved in prostitution in Teesside.
R&D for Victim SupportProject start up support for their new service for children affected by domestic abuse.
Evaluation of Cease24Evaluation of an adult and children’s domestic abuse service in Northumberland.
Domestic abuse needs assessmentNeeds assessment or gap analysis of domestic abuse for Safer Northumberland.
The impact of the voluntary sector on reducing crimeStatements of the impact of the voluntary sector in the North East on reducing crime and reoffending, improving community safety and supporting victims – for the Police and Crime Commissioners.
Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training – CRAFTWe have recently completed an in depth evaluation of CRAFT for PROPS North East, following two groups of carers over eight months who went through a CRAFT programme.
Integrated Family Support – Prisoners and FamiliesWe are evaluating the NEPACS and pact project – Integrated Family Support for Prisoners and Families – in the North East of England. This is a national initiative funded by NOMS and the Department for Education.