Other work

Women’s Health Advice Centre, Northumberland

An evaluation of WHAC’s services between 2008 and 20011

Evaluation of the BU Mental Health Diploma

Impact assessment and review of a diploma taught in schools

Evaluation of Science Families

An impact evaluation of a family learning science education project in Newcastle.

Evaluation of the Comfrey Project

This was a review of the first eight years of project operations

Evaluation of the Leisure And Sports Training project

This was an impact assessment of a sports and leisure apprenticeship scheme

Evaluation of the Women’s Health Advice Centre

25 year review of the Women’s Health Advice Centre in Ashington, Northumberland

Evaluation of the Time Together project

Evaluation and impact assessment of a parenting and literacy project aimed at teenage parents

Evaluation of the Smoke Free project

Evaluation and impact assessment of Newcastle’s Smoke Free project, an smoking cessation and enforcement project

Evaluation of The Challenge Project

Evaluation and impact assessment of an adult literacy and numeracy project in Tyne and Wear

Editorial work: the Newcastle Alcohol Strategy

Editing and re-writing the Newcastle Alcohol Strategy


"Barefoot did a fantatsic job of our evaluation. In particular, their approach to working with our service users was very impressive. The evaluation has answered many of our questions, but also asked us more, which gives us a great opportunity for the future."

Jayne Butler, Manager, The Comfrey Project

"As an organisation we felt that Barefoot did an excellent job of listening and understanding the needs of our review... We were thrilled with the final report; as well as being a very good read, the presentation and quality was excellent."

Cath Carnaby, Manager, Women's Health Advice Centre

"I am pleased with the honesty and thoroughness with which he (Christopher) dealt with the project. Thanks to the evaluation we now have a number of questions answered and a clear way forward."

Maureen Pearson, Area manager North East, Parentline Plus