An evaluation of WHAC’s services between 2008 and 20011
Evaluation of the BU Mental Health DiplomaImpact assessment and review of a diploma taught in schools
Evaluation of Science FamiliesAn impact evaluation of a family learning science education project in Newcastle.
Evaluation of the Comfrey ProjectThis was a review of the first eight years of project operations
Evaluation of the Leisure And Sports Training projectThis was an impact assessment of a sports and leisure apprenticeship scheme
Evaluation of the Women’s Health Advice Centre25 year review of the Women’s Health Advice Centre in Ashington, Northumberland
Evaluation of the Time Together projectEvaluation and impact assessment of a parenting and literacy project aimed at teenage parents
Evaluation of the Smoke Free projectEvaluation and impact assessment of Newcastle’s Smoke Free project, an smoking cessation and enforcement project
Evaluation of The Challenge ProjectEvaluation and impact assessment of an adult literacy and numeracy project in Tyne and Wear
Editorial work: the Newcastle Alcohol StrategyEditing and re-writing the Newcastle Alcohol Strategy