Needs assessment or gap analysis of domestic abuse for Safer Northumberland.
Women’s Health in South TynesideImpact evaluation of WHiST and their many services that they provide to local women.
Mapping sex marketsSince 2003, we have been mapping sex markets in the North East and Cumbria. This has resulted in a series of publications which can be downloaded here.
Methodology paper: mapping sex marketsThis paper presents how we carried out our mapping of sex markets in the North East and Cumbria. It provides a useful template for other organisations to investigate sex markets in their own areas.
SWAN Progress ReportThis is an update of the project’s impact on reducing re-offending and diverting women from custody. It shows that the project continues to have significant impacts on both areas.
Women’s Health Advice Centre, NorthumberlandAn evaluation of WHAC’s services between 2008 and 20011
Evaluation of the SWAN projectEvaluation of this diverting women from custody project in Northumberland
Research into sex markets in County Durham and DarlingtonMapping the characteristics and dynamics of the sex market and sexual exploitation in County Durham and Darlington
Evaluation of the Safe ProjectEvaluation, review and impact assessment of the Ne Deal for Communities’ domestic violence project
Evaluation of the Women’s Health Advice Centre25 year review of the Women’s Health Advice Centre in Ashington, Northumberland